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Photo Shoot Staging Tips


With a plethora of apartments available in Fort Wayne, IN it is important to make your apartment stand out. Taking appealing photographs of your apartment community could be a major selling point for potential tenants. Use these photograph staging tips and tricks to create a great first impression:

  1. Take Advantage of Natural Lighting! –  By using natural lighting your shots will look cleaner and the lighting will not have hints of yellow and orange tones. Open those blinds, doors, and windows to get as much natural light as possible!
  2. Use Fresh and Colorful Fruit – Place fresh fruit such as lemon in the kitchen to brighten up the room! Feel free to use artificial decorative fruits as well to ensure that any unwanted colors do not appear.
  3. Get Low – Low angels can help create the illusion that the apartment is more spacious when taking photographs. Taking photos at eye level will give potential residents a proper view of the areas.  
  4. Keep all toilet seats closed when taking bathroom shots.
  5. Temporarily remove all bathroom are area rugs prior to taking pictures.
  6. Consider the Angles – Stand at the widest vantage point when taking pictures to make the room appear bigger. The widest vantage point is typically in the corner of every room.
  7. Place a few magazines and books on the coffee tables.
  8. Move Furniture Around – It may be difficult to capture an entire room in one picture. Make the most of the space by moving furniture around to capture the whole space and make the apartment look more appealing. 
  9. Hide all Lingering Cords!  –  Cords, cables, and wires can make the space look messy and cluttered.
  10. All Clutter Must go! –  Hide all clutter prior to taking photos of the rooms in the apartment. Clean surfaces, floors, and pantries are more pleasing to potential residents
  11. Emphasize the best feature in every room.
  12. Place Flowers or Potted Plants in Every Room – Flowers and plants help to make sure each room is inviting. All plants and flowers can be reused in each room when taking photographs.

Keep this list of a dozen tips and tricks in mind when taking pictures of your beautiful Fort Wayne apartments!

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