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Boost Your Marketing with a Crowdsourcing Campaign

Fuel company loyalty and spark new interest

Looking for new ideas to market your business? Try tapping into the profitable potential of crowdsourced advertising. Crowdsourcing is an effective method that lets your customers and fans market for you. It’s powerful because potential customers are more likely to be interested in your product when authentic customers show their appreciation of the product.

Usually, crowdsourcing campaigns present an incentive for customers to participate. Some companies offer a certain amount of money or free products to the winners.  

Larger companies entice customers with the possibility of their video being shown during the Super Bowl (think of the Doritos commercial campaign). Smaller companies have done this particular method, as well, presenting the possibility of a local TV or radio station playing their commercial.

Some crowdsourcing campaigns even utilize the talents of their users by asking them to design a new product. In this case, participants feel a sense of ownership in the product and are more likely to purchase it (think of the Lay’s campaign for new chip flavors).

A popular and simple medium for companies to kick start campaigns is social media.

Take Lincoln Property Company (LPC), for example. They saw an opportunity, with the growing popularity of “Tidying Up” on Netflix, to start a campaign with #LPCSpringClean. Each month of the campaign, a winner was chosen, and that winner received a $500 gift card. This promotion sparked 566 posts and 3,800 website visits. Their next promotion drew 2,400 posts and 3,700 website visits.

Crowdsourcing efforts fuel loyalty and SEO, spark customer engagement, collect media content, and reach new audiences. It’s a way to collaborate with your users, residents, or fans, all while promoting your company. Start a campaign today!

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